Friday, January 13, 2012

Homeschool Highlights

Happy Friday!

This week we worked a lot on our life size human body models. We still have to add our bones and muscles and faces but here's what we did this week.

J2 is really getting into the book, Microbe Hunters!
I'm enjoying the tidbits he shares with me that he gets excited about. Unplanned narraration is the best!
The last few weeks I have been dictating a passage to J2 from something he has read over the past week. Usually, it is something that stands out to me while I am reading it too. I am trying to keep up with some of his reading assignments so we can talk together about them. He no longer has his older brother to bounce things off of. This week I dictated a passage from Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave. Great Book! Once he's finished, I hand him the book to make his own corrections. I sometimes have him find the definitions of words he may not know or synonyms of others.

Also this week, J1 took all the ugly brass 80's hardware off of my kitchen cupboards! So glad to see it go!!

I've already picked out the new hardware!

Hopefully these little babies will make a big impact!
Have a great week!


Jeanette said...

We are doing the life size human body model too. We have been adding one body part a day. My kids are loving it!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

That's a great *body* you're making!

And I love your new cabinet hardware. I am currently changing my kitchen cabinet hardware, too. It just feels good to see the ugly stuff go, doesn't it?:)

Unknown said...

Oh, where did you get your life-sized organs (and bones)? We'll be doing a health unit in March and I'm gathering activities now. I would love to do this with my youngers!

This is Home said...

Lora, It does feel great to see that ugly stuff go! :-)
My Side of the Mountain...The book I used to make our human Body models is called, My Body, by Teacher Created Resources.

MissMOE said...

What a great way to do dictation! Can't wait to see the after pictures.